UI Navigation

UI Navigation, or known as zluinav, is a Zola theme designed for accessibility rather than visual and made as easy as possible using templates and macros. Since I am a blind developer, I'd like to develop with accessibility as possible so visually impaired users can use them.

This theme is also available for Hugo at Hguinav.

Zola is a fast site generator written in Rust powered by tera as its templating engine and has a powerful theme creation feature.

Theme demo


This theme is distributed under the terms of the MIT License.

Features of zluinav theme


Using git clone:

cd themes
git clone https://github.com/harrymkt/zluinav.git

Or download manually and paste in the themes directory.

Or, add to the Git submodule (recommended):

git submodule add --name zluinav https://github.com/harrymkt/zluinav.git themes/zluinav
git submodule update --remote

In your config.toml file, add the following

theme = "zluinav"


For more customizable options and configurations, please see documentation


Contributions to this theme are welcome, provided that the following requirements are met:

Thank you!